Saturday, November 26, 2011

AOW #10: AD --- Heinz Ketchup

This is an advertisement for Heinz ketchup. Here, the advertisement is depicting a tangible image of how much you need and want this ketchup because of its deliciousness of course!
The author or creator of this advertisement is the Heinz advertisement department. I researched online on their website and although I didn’t find any specific people in advertising, I did find a good amount of information on the ethos of the company as a whole. I learned that Heinz is a very global country (they give foods to over 200 countries around the world and are either the number-one or –two in market position in many countries). They are not only known for their ketchup, but they are also known for their meals, snacks and even infant food and nutrition. As stated by their website “Heinz is committed to enriching your family’s eating experience(s).” So, in short, they use communal memory in order to express their ethos.
The context of this piece would be either temporal or causal. It would be temporal because when you saw this ad, most likely you were eating food, just ate food or are going to eat food. So, based upon that speculation, your reaction to the advertisement would be in-the-moment due to the communal memory about food and its taste. It could be causal as well because Heinz made this advertisement based on past occurrences. They didn’t refer so far in the past that they had to “research” but far enough that people had to reflect on what they’ve eaten before and how it relates to the use of Heinz condiments.
The purpose for why this ad was created was to show to the audience that they­ need Heinz ketchup because, without it, food would only taste like cardboard!
The audience this is written for is a very wide range of people. This ad could be read and understood by many – from adults who read the news to kids who read magazines. So I believe that the audience is both children and adults and everyone in between.
There were many rhetorical elements in this piece. In this ad, they used the rhetorical elements of contrast, placement, headings, enthymeme and juxtaposition. They used contrast within the color scheme/choices. They contrasted the dull colors of the “cardboard” food with the bright red of the ketchup. This showed that the ketchup is vibrant and that the food is dull and boring without it! They used placement within the items in the ad as well. They placed the dull food at the bottom and allowed your eye to follow down the picture until you caught a glimpse of the attractively bright condiment below. They also used headings as an effective rhetorical element. They made the heading simple and sweet and allowed for some enthymeme just by saying “_______ without Heinz”. They allowed the audience to assume the minor premise that “FOOD = CARDBOARD” without the major premise that Heinz is delicious and, therefore, makes food taste great. The last rhetorical element, juxtaposition, also goes along with the color scheme because they juxtaposed the bright colors and deliciousness of the ketchup with the dull, boring and gross cardboard above it.
They completely achieved their purpose because as a consumer of Heinz as well as my knowledge and use of communal memory, I was convinced that I need Heinz – especially because I use it so much! Also, who wants to eat cardboard anyway?

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